We recycle better
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We recycle better

Plastic problematic? No, circular it is fantastic!

Recycling your discarded products/WEEE/SDA? You can rely on us!
We are dedicated to creating a more sustainable world and your business by giving your end-of-life materials a new life. Through our continuous investments, we guarantee you a compliant, optimal and the most sustainable solution. Our state-of-the-art processing lines and techniques guarantee a high material recovery, stable prices and a reliable service: our commitment to your business.

WEEE recycled better
Virgin plastic is history. Recyclates your sustainable victory.

We love to help you thrive as the producer of the future, as a circular producer. Your specifications are our standards. High quality and compliant, of course. Driven by innovation, we ensure the stable and consistent production of your reliable and accountable sustainable materials.

Together, we maintain an insignificant carbon footprint by combating the global burden and depletion of our planet.

Together WEEE create a better world
Discover our unique solutions to recycle better and become a futureproof producer.

Coolrec: from full range recycler to raw material and component supplier

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